It is Anonymous again, for the second time in 6 months. The group attacked Tunisian government because of Internet censorship. Today Anonymous claimed their responsibility of taking down Tunisian government website. They claimed that more people are joining Anonymous group and they will still fighting until “Internet Censorship” becomes a word in the history books! They demand that people of Tunisia should continue fight for their freedom of speech because it is basic human right.
Though internet censorship has been changed dramatically following Bin Ali’s ouster, sites which still criticize Tunisian government still blocked, including Amnesty International, Freedom House, and Reporters without Borders. Other sites such as porn and dating are going under extensive filtering in Tunisia.
Anonymous now taking care of Operation ANTISEC after LulzSec announced their quit!
In less than two months, LulzSec hacked many governments and corporate websites including FBI, CIA, Sony, and Fox news…
Anonymous gained much more attention and gained more members on IRC and Twitter once LulzSec announced that Anon will support their work and will continue Operation ANTISEC.
The group also hacked Zimbabwean government website and published the SQL database dump file online. The operation targeted also Australian government and will reach any corrupt government around the world, according to Anon.
These types of attacks are known as Hacktivism or Politically motivated attacks.
Governments around the world are becoming targets for these types of attacks. As I expected that Middle East governments will be the biggest loser in Wikileaks war, I think that they will be so when it comes to politically motivated attacks.Advanced technology is shaping the 21st century.
I’m afraid that Middle East governments have reached point of no return; they might get out of history and even geography!
Sources FYI:
Latest ANTISEC dump targets (Anguilla, Brazil, Zimbabwe, and Australia)
NATO announced data breach!
RedHack from Turkey joined Anon
Arizona State Files released
2800 Police Agents Identities released!
War on Orlando
The Rise of New Global Hacktivists
Who’s Who in ANTISEC movement