TechTalk is the first TV program in the Middle East to raise the awareness of technology and its effects on society. The program episodes provide variety of technical topics in forms of investigative journalism and thriller. From digital espionage and internet surveillance to 3D printing and reverse engineering the human brain. From civil society to military applications, technology is affecting our everyday lives and became part of social, political and economic scene. The main objective of the program is to deliver controversial technical and scientific topics in an exciting and entertaining presentation to our audience.
TechTalk is presented exclusively on Al Kahera Walnas TV Channel. Since 2013, Dr. Mohamed El-Guindy presented over 180 episodes tackling diffident information technology topics which raised the awareness and changed the mindset of policymakers towards the importance of emerging technologies, cyber security, cybercrime, cyber warfare and other disciplines.
You can watch all TechTalk Episodes on the TV Show YouTube channel. Please check this section regularly as ISSA Egypt chapter will publish all episodes description in English with links to the episodes for easy access.